new at the market.
Something other then root vegetables has finally shown up at the farmer's markets and upon seeing this I practically wept. (There is something about the first site of green.) After a winter that felt longer then most, the arrival of spring (and fresh local produce) has been particularly thrilling. I live for farmer's markets. (I have on occasion screamed bloody murder for Tyler to stop the car at any sign that advertises berries, tomatoes, and corn (totally normal, right?). I am also probably the only person who takes the subway during the middle of the work day to our old office in Brooklyn so I can visit my friends from Phillips Farm. They love me. The feeling is mutual.) Considering my downright obsession I figured it seemed only fitting to start documenting the food I purchase each week so people who may not be as familiar with the markets will know what to expect and what they can find. (Hopefully this will make shopping easier!) I will also be including as many seasonal recipes as possible (because the whole point of excellent produce is having excellent recipes to use them in.)
This week marked the arrival of spinach (!!), broccoli rabe, wild arugula, and leeks (how I love thee). So much green is beautiful.
Great idea!!